Wednesday, January 6, 2016

More Sleep = Happiness

Oh sleep, I love you so... I miss you most of the time. Monday through Friday we play this game where you are just out of reach... Those full undisturbed 8 or 9 hours I would love to have. That just don't happen.
I've begun reading up on sleep since it's one of my favorite things. It really doesn't take much to make me happy. 

Here's some motivation to get MORE sleep:
  • You'll make smarter choices. Not getting enough sleep makes it harder for you to make decisions and you lose self-control. I notice that if I'm super tired I eat way too much food and a lot of it isn't healthy. Candy and more coffee are the usual suspects and that just messes my sleep cycle up for that night.
  • You'll have a better memory. Not enough sleep = horrible memory. This is the first thing to go with me. Two weeks ago I was so busy and over-tired that I took the subway the wrong way twice... I've lived and worked in New York City enough to know where I'm going... I just wasn't paying attention and I was super tired. Getting the sleep you need helps memories stay in your mind.
  • You'll be nicer. If you get the hours of sleep you need you'll be able to handle stressful situations better and react better than on little sleep. No one likes someone who gets angry quickly and snaps at everyone around them. And I highly doubt no one likes being a mean person. 
Now. How do we get more sleep?? 
Don't drink anything caffeinated after 2:30pm!
Make a bedtime and stick to it! My 'bedtime' is 9:30pm. When I see the clock hit 9:30pm I am in bed. I read a little bit and try to turn off the light at 10pm at the latest.
I also spray our sheets and pillows with a nice lavender spray to help us relax and unwind.
If I really need sleep I'll make sleepy-time tea. It's delicious and the process of drinking hot tea helps me to slow down and get ready to dream.

What are your nighttime rituals to get more sleep?

Thanks for reading,

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