Monday, March 21, 2016

Noodle Arms

I wanted to give an update on my personal training. I've had four sessions and I'm feeling good. I've learned so many new exercises- most of them insanely hard. After my third session I could hardly move my arms. They were literally sore for an entire week! I always knew I had no arm strength, but I had no idea to what degree. My arms are little noodles. No muscle! My trainer and I working on building some... :)

Over the weekend I hit the gym in our apartment and after my four mile run I did some of my favorite exercises from my training sessions. I wanted to share with you one of the full body exercises that I learned from my trainer. It's amazing.

Start back on your toes - kind of like child's pose in yoga.
Then, start moving into a push-up position.
Once in a push up position, meet your knee to your elbow. Do this on both sides and go back to beginning pose.
Repeat ten times, three sets total!
And of course, after a great workout - I always want a delicious smoothie! I've begun adding spinach which is a great source of iron and folic acid. You can't even taste it in the smoothie. It's a win - win!

Thanks for reading,

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