Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Bucket List

The other day I was asked what the top item on 'Bucket List' was. I had about a minute to think about it and I had no idea. The first thing that came to my head and what I said was - move back to Oregon.
Other people around the table mentioned places they'd like to travel, things they'd like to buy... I guess I've never really thought about my Life Bucket List. Is that a thing?

It got me thinking and I've come up with three things. 
1. Move to Oregon some day
Sooner rather than later

2. Buy a home
Ryan and I cannot wait for this day!!

3. Have a kid 
I only want one, they're expensive!

Those are my three. I know, I know... totally mushy and what many people call the American Dream. But that's what I want.

I've traveled, I have a loving husband and family... soooo what else would be on my bucket list? Maybe be an extra on a TV show? Have a job where I just read books? I love the three things on my bucket list. And I know they are attainable and that one day I'll be able to cross them off my list.

What's on your bucket list?

Thanks for reading,

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