Friday, January 1, 2016

Hello my Name is Catie... And I'm Messy - Part 3

I have this problem of piling my clothes on our dresser. This is going to sound reallllly lazy... I guess I'm too tired to make the active choice of either - does this piece of clothing need to go in the laundry or be hung back up in the closet. When I think about it and actually write it down I'm embarrassed.

My next 'project' is our bedroom. I've just begun to deep clean it. But I'm nowhere near done!

So far I've gone through my clothes and added any of my nice higher end clothing that I haven't worn in over a year to my ThredUp Bag. This is the second time I've used Thred Up and I only have good things to say about the company. Anything they do not choose to purchase they donate. Everyone wins.

I've also gone through my socks and underwear drawers. Tossing out anything remotely worn out. I have way too many pairs of socks.
I'm on a roll! In a couple of days I'm going to go back in to my closet and review it again. I'm feeling lighter already!

Thanks for reading,

Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Obsession!

I'm already obsessed! I LOVE Blue Apron!! I know, I know I've only cooked one meal, but I did it! It was easy and the food was REALLY GOOD.
I could not wait to get home and open up our first order. The box wasn't too big or too heavy and everything was packaged perfectly.
The first recipe I made was chicken meatballs with jasmine rice and a brussels sprout and apple side salad.

The overall prep time wasn't so bad - I just need to work on my chopping skills! Practice makes perfect!
Oh I'm so happy and proud of the little meal I made! This cooking New Year's Resolution is going to be a cinch with the help of my friends at Blue Apron! haha
Ryan really enjoyed it too. He brought up a good point - many of the recipes we'll receive are meals we would never think of making. We love trying new things!

Tonight for our New Year's Eve dinner I'm making rib eye steak with mushroom and potato hash. Yum!

Happy New Year!

Thanks for reading,

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

My 2016 New Year's Resolutions!

Every year I make resolutions. Some I'm good at keeping. Others don't last a month. This year's list is short and sweet - making it more manageable and obtainable.

Soooo without further a do. Here are my 2016 Resolutions!
  • Rid our apartment of things that we haven't used in over a year.
    • Clothes, shoes, electronics, papers - I will go through everything!!
  •  Read! 
    • This year's goal is to read 25 books (2015 I read 23 books) I use Goodreads to track what books I have read and what books I want to read! Check it out!
  • Travel to new places
    • If all goes according to plan, we will be going on our honeymoon in October 2016! 
  • Cook more!
    • Practice makes perfect and I need a lot of practice (I signed us up for Blue Apron thanks to a discount I received from Katie at <--- check out her blog!)
  • Practice positivity
    •  Staying positive is the best way to live a happy life. Who wouldn't want that?!

What are your Resolutions? Writing them down helps you accomplish them!

Thanks for reading,

Monday, December 28, 2015

Let's Get to Know Each Other

Since I've only been writing this blog for a short time now I thought it would be a good idea for you all to get to know a little more about me. So here are ten 'facts' about me!
  1. I was born and raised in Oregon.
  2. From preschool to third grade I went to a full-immersion French school. We learned very subject in French and had 'English class' for thirty minutes a day.
  3. I've been to France four times! And want to go back!!
  4. I studied abroad in London my junior year of college.
  5. I can't stand humidity!
  6. I've lived in the New York/New Jersey area for ten years now but still consider myself an Oregonian ;)
  7. Our dog's name is Bailey; cat's name is Lexi

  8.  I'm an only child and love it!!
  9. Ryan and I have been on the show The Price is Right!
  10. I'd pick a piece of chocolate cake other a glass of wine any day.
See! I just loooove dessert!!!

Any fun facts about you??? What would you rather have, wine or dessert?

Thanks for reading,